lundi 8 avril 2013

Important Facets Of Boxing Training

Boxers train just like any other athlete. They have to be quick on their feet, have good hand eye coordination, balance, strong and they must have the physical and psychological capacity to take severe blows to the head. Other requirements are speed, agility and flexibility. Every boxer will have their own training program based on their strengths and weaknesses. It is as much a physical as a psychological sport. Competitive boxers are known to be the best conditioned athletes in the world.

Some boxers concentrate on one particular area such as strength. However, trainers advise that the best boxers excel in all areas of the sport. Boxers need to be prepared to take severe blows to the upper body and come back fighting.

Speed is very important. Speed of movement in the hands to punch and feet to keep moving are necessary. Many boxers jog and play other aerobic sports so that they remain light on their feet and are quick, quick, quick!

Power and strength. Many boxers are power lifters and lift weights every other or every day. Trainers will set up punching bags for boxers to practice their punches and so that they can punch consistently rather then throwing wild punches.

Coordination of the hands and eye are very important. Not only to boxers have to deliver punches but they also have to defend themselves. To do this they have to be able to dance around on their feet, stay balanced and deliver punches.

Stamina is very important. This means that you can go all of the rounds necessary without getting tired, exhausted and out of breath. Professional boxers must be able to endure 15 rounds and to deliver power packed punches throughout.

Strategy is important. Some boxers have been known to swing madly and wildly and then exhaust themselves. The idea is to give direct and precise hits and provide an overall well rounded offense and defense.

Trainers work with boxers to develop a schedule and build on their strengths and weaknesses. Most generally, a schedule is devised which would rotate the various training activities such as running, sparring, lifting weights, conditioning drills, skill and core training. The sport is thought to be 70% anaerobic and 30% aerobic.

The training program is vigorous and the athlete must be a dedicated participant to withstand the psychological, physical and mental pressures.

It is to the boxer’s advantage to punch short and quick and then shift their position, to get out of the way! Most boxers prefer to remain in the center of the ring ideally, to force their opponent to dance around them. The boxer also has to worry about being knocked into the ropes and could then be cornered. They say, to move, move, move to avoid being a target.

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